Save the Farmers Market

How You Can Help

These are some of the most effective ways you can assist

 Attend a Royal Oak City Commission meeting and speak out to stop the Central Park Development project and promote the importance of our Farmers Market to the community. Public pressure from citizens is one of the most powerful ways to influence an elected body. Publically speaking on an issue may seem daunting, but once you have done it, you have a tremendous feeling of satisfaction! Our Calendar includes dates and times of all the City Commission meetings.

Write Letters to the Editor, these send a powerful message to elected officials and are read by many of your fellow citizens.

Royal Oak Review

Make your letters as short and consise as possible. They should be emailed to the address below. A follow up call to the Editor helps insure your letter is printed


Editor: Gregg Demers, (586) 498-1042

Royal Oak Daily Tribune

This paper has an online form for submitting Letters to the Editor. Just go to the link and follow the instructions. It may be beneficial to write your letter in advance and rather than composing it in the online form. Again, I have included the paper’s telephone number for a follow up call.


Phone: 586-469-4510